Navigating the Running Trail: A Physio’s Guide to Overcoming Common Injuries

Welcome to the running community, where every stride brings a mix of exhilaration and, sometimes, a few niggles. At The Physio Lounge, we’ve got your back with six clinics across the North West, and today, we’re here to share insights, tips, and tricks for conquering common running injuries.

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The Running Conundrum:
Running is a beautiful challenge, but it comes with its fair share of obstacles—niggles, aches, and injuries that can slow you down. Today, let’s dive into the world of common running issues and explore how you can keep going strong.

Understanding Niggles

Niggles, those persistent discomforts that pop up during your run, often have various origins. It could be related to your running form, muscle imbalances, or even your choice of footwear. Pay attention to your body’s signals, and if something doesn’t feel right, it’s worth investigating

Common Running Injuries

Runners encounter a range of injuries. Listening to your body and the signs and symptoms can help you address issues early on.

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The Common Culprits: Let’s lace up our shoes and explore the common adversaries that runners face:

  1. Shin Splints:
    Often caused by overuse, improper footwear, or running on hard surfaces, shin splints can be a painful companion. Treatment involves rest, ice, and gradual return to activity. Prevention includes proper footwear, gradual intensity increases, and incorporating strength training.

    Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome):
    A frequent complaint among runners, this condition manifests as pain around the kneecap. Rest, ice, and targeted exercises to strengthen the quadriceps and improve biomechanics can be effective treatments. Prevention emphasizes proper form, shoe selection, and muscle balance.

    IT Band Syndrome:
    The iliotibial (IT) band running along the outer thigh can cause sharp pain. Treatment involves rest, targeted stretching, and strengthening exercises. Prevention includes gradual mileage increases and incorporating cross-training activities.

    Plantar Fasciitis:
    Heel pain from inflammation of the plantar fascia is a familiar adversary. Treatments range from rest and stretching to orthotics. Preventive measures include proper footwear, regular stretching, and strengthening exercises.

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Preventative Measures

Now, let’s talk about the proactive steps you can take to keep running smoothly:

Dynamic Warm-ups:

Warm-up routines can make a significant difference in injury prevention. Before hitting the pavement, engage in dynamic warm-up exercises to prepare your muscles and joints. Incorporate leg swings, lunges, and high knees to increase blood flow and flexibility.

Strength Training for Runners:

Building strength is a key component of resilient running. strengthening key muscle groups, especially the core, hips, and legs is a powerful preventative measure. Squats, lunges, and stability exercises can enhance your overall running resilience

Mobility Matters

Learning how prioritizing mobility can positively impact your running experience is vital.  Improved flexibility and joint mobility can not only enhance performance but also play a crucial role in injury prevention.

Proper Footwear

Invest in quality running shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning. Regularly check for signs or wear and replace as necessary.

Listen to your body

Pay attention to any persistent discomfort or pain.  If something doesn’t feel right, give yourself a chance to rest and recover.  If the problem is worsening or not improving, consult with us and book an Assessment for personalised advice and guidance.

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How The Physio Lounge Can Help:

Our clinics are more than just treatment spaces; they’re hubs for information and support. If you’re facing persistent issues or want personalised advice, our experienced physiotherapy team is here to guide you. We believe in a comprehensive approach to your running journey:

Our clinics offer detailed assessments, including movement analysis and biomechanical evaluations.  We also offer specialist Footscan Services too! Understanding your unique movement patterns helps us tailor interventions that address the root of the issue


Our skilled team provides hands-on Physiotherapy Treatment, alongside Acupuncture, Sports massage, Gym-based rehab, and many other beneficial skills and treatments are available to you with The Physio Lounge including cutting-edge Shockwave Therapy. 

Personalised Treatment Plans

Each runner is unique, and so are their needs.  Our experienced team crafts personalised treatment and exercise plans addressing your specific concern, whether the issue is mobility, muscle imbalances, or persistent aches.  They can also diagnose issues which may require further referral.


Running is an art and we are here to help you master it.  Here at TPL we can be your partner in running wellness.  

Let’s make every stride towards a happier, stronger, healthier you!

To book your assessment now, click HERE or get in touch at

We can’t wait to welcome you,

Team TPL

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