Dizziness and Vertigo

What is it?

The vestibular system is your sensory system which creates the sense of balance and spatial orientation. This involves the parts of the inner ear and brain that process the sensory information involved with controlling balance and eye movements. If something damages or interrupts these processing areas, disorders of dizziness or balance can result.
Do you have issues looking over your shoulder or rolling in bed? Is your weekly shop becoming more of an ordeal due to dizziness? If so, you may be suffering from a vestibular disorder. Many people experience minor dizzy spells in day-to-day life. However, some conditions can severely limit daily function, impacting on your quality of life.
Dizziness, vertigo and disequilibrium are common symptoms that can occur due to a problem within your vestibular system in your inner ear, or from other causes such as stress, dehydration, or other issues.

Vestibular symptoms may be difficult to describe, which complicates the diagnostic process. We are proud to advise that we have Physiotherapists within our team who are trained in this specialised area and are qualified to assess and treat Vestibular Disorders.

Vestibular symptoms may include one or more of the following symptoms: 

How can we help?

Specialist Physiotherapy for Vestibular conditions is a highly effective way to identify and treat Vestibular conditions.
Vestibular Physiotherapy can support managing pain, reducing dizziness, improving balance, improving nausea, increasing confidence and assist a safe return to work and daily activities.
Our specialist Physiotherapist will carry out a specific Vestibular Assessment which consists of specific tests alongside balance and movement analysis. A full medical history will be taken to include symptom frequency, impact, intensity and triggers. Treatment can involve hands on treatment specific to your condition, including the Epley Manoeuvre, the Semont Manoeuvre and the Reverse Epley – if relevant.
An individualised vestibular rehabilitation program of specific exercises will then be created along with further examination of muscles and joint that may also be associated with your symptoms. Self management and future treatments will also be discussed. Lastly, onward referral to other specialities will be completed if required.

Vestibular treatment is offered at our David Lloyd Warrington clinic & David Lloyd Cheshire Oaks.

Want to hear what our patients who have received treatment for Vestibular Rehabilitation say?

Want to read more about Physiotherapy for dizziness? Check out our Blog: https://physiolounge.co.uk/physiotherapy-for-dizziness/

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