I graduated with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy from Nottingham Uni in 2016 and gained valuable experience within the NHS as a junior rotational Physiotherapist before transitioning in elite sport. Here I worked in the English Football League with Crewe Alexandra FC across four seasons. This is where my passion for Sports Medicine developed and to elevate my skill set further. I returned to Nottingham to complete a MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine where I graduated in 2020 with distinction.
I have been a proud member of the TPL family since 2020 and look to provide elite level sports physiotherapy to all of our patients with special interests in manual therapy, lower-limb injury, advanced injury rehabilitation , strength/conditioning and injury risk reduction screening.
I am currently undertaking further academic studies at The University of Central Lancashire completing a PGDip Accreditation in First Contact Practice as I look to enhance my knowledge of specialist Musculoskeletal practice within primary care. Outside of work, I have recently retired after 11 year career as an elite athlete in the FA Para Football Programme where I was fortunate to play in two IBSA World Championships finals. I have also just completed a 6-month backpacking trip around Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia!
I have extensive experience within some specialist areas, including TMJ.